The Viticultura group offers the expertise and management of premium wine production. Based in Central Otago, New Zealand, the consultancy specializes in Cool Climate grape growing. The basis of the group is to offer either a selective range of expertise or the whole management package
The aim of consultancy is to reduce the costs incurred by the client, this is done be understand the clients needs and streamlining their production from vineyard through to sales.
With more than 18 years of Viticulture / Wine production knowledge both within New Zealand and around the world. Viticultura can offer a total wine industry perspective to the set up of vineyards, with the expertise of the group extending too.
• Soil Mapping
• Vineyard establishment
• Sourcing plant material
• Management of plant material
• Budgeting
• Vineyard Infrastructure set up
• Production of premium fruit
• Establishment of communication lines from market place to vineyard.
Within the group we can also offer a managed labour supply for all vineyard requirements. Where possible we will try and offer a firm contract rate / plant, and not an hourly rate. This we believe is the only way to stay to pre determined budgets.
Machine Contracting
Viticultura also has its own machine contracting business for Viticulture, we aim to provide all the necessary equipment to ensure that we can reduce farming costs or reduce the need for the vineyard owners to purchase their own equipment. With labour becoming more and more expensive we see the need for more mechanical based options.
Wether it be the requirements for pruning, or going throughout the season to harvest, we can offer all machine solutions.
Fruit / Wine Brokerage
Over the last 10 years we have been buying fruit and wine for clients within Central Otago. In the last 3 years we have also seen a demand from our clients to help sell on surplus fruit from their vineyards to external wineries.
Our database for selling fruit has grown extensively and now includes some of the largest wine companies in New Zealand. As of 2009 we have now established a monthly newsletter to our database which outlines what our clients have to sell in the way of fruit, we see this as being a very attractive aspect of our business for the majority of our clients.
When the need arises we have also sourced bulk product for clients to help them establish their offerings in the marketplace.
Wine Production Management
For the last 8 years Viticultura has been managing the process of wine production. This essentially has been
Wine Making
Over seeing the clients requested wine styles, and managing wine making contracts around New Zealand. This includes managing the ordering required for wine making equipment, implementing ‘through put’ insurance, and ensure record keeping is accurate and that industry average volumes are maintained throughout the winemaking process.
This we see as the most critical component of potential cost savings in the whole winemaking process. Location of bottling plant can alone be a major factor in saving costs. Viticultura is well versed in ordering of drygoods and ensure that product is market ready for a major collection of different markets requirements.
Warehousing and Distribution
Often the best alternative for warehousing is from outside of the grape growing region, and more often than not based around the distribution channels that the warehouse offers. We have reviewed the majority of offerings in the past 10 years and can happily offer the best options.
Sales and Marketing
The Viticultura company has established and maintained domestic and export markets for a multitude of wine brands. We have successful found export markets in:
1) Australia
2) Untied States
3) England
4) Ireland
5) Canada
6) Russia
7) Japan
8) Pacific Islands
We have established a nationwide domestic distribution based on commission based sales representatives. We have managed a nationwide sales team that has represented several different brands in the market place. In doing so we have grown many good relationships and contacts in the market place.
We have been associated with building many different wine brands marketing in the current market place. This has included:
1) Label design
2) Website design
3) Marketing collateral design – brand maps, tasting notes
We are seeing more and more need to reduce costs within vineyards, so that we can unsure a place on the international market that is competitive. Our aim is simple to increase the quality mark achieved in the vineyard, and reduce the costs and risk of farming in Central Otago.
By offering a multi range of skills to individual wineries we can hopefully increase the conduit of information from marketplace back to wine production, and therefore make better wine.